How AllForWeb increased its productivity using

John Doe on August 17th 2020

Context & problematic

AllForWeb is a web-agency based in Paris which specializes in building websites “conversion first”. They are focusing on the message delivered and the UX that the websites provides around the message. Allforweb has been operating in this field of expertise in France for many years.

With an increasing competition and increasingly demanding customers, agencies have seen their margins shrink and are looking for smart solutions to deliver more value to customers while optimizing time spent.

AllForWeb thought that one solution to this complex problem was to look for tools that would enhance productivity & internal collaborativity without compromising on the quality of the deliverable. Through online search, Allforweb eventually found and after thorough analysis decided to use it for its clients’ projects.

Work done & solution

AllForWeb has a team of designers, developers and SEO specialists. Historically, the agency has been using WordPress as a tool to build its clients’ websites. The problem with WordPess is that developers are heavily involved in both building the back-end and developing most of the front-end; this is mostly due to WordPress monolithic architecture and the dependencies it involves in the code. Therefore, for some of the projects, WordPress becomes too heavy and quickly too expensive for the agencie's clients.

What AllForWeb wanted is to empower the team's designers by giving them more responsibility on the front-end while optimizing the time spent by its developers, making them focus on value-added tasks mainly on the back-end.

Thanks to's new generation visual site builder, AllForWeb was able to achieve its desire: the designers are autonomous to design and build most of the front-end visually and developers are not stuck with a rigid proprietary solution as they can easily get into the code, connect their own back-end or add custom components in the editor. As a result, sites are delivered faster, with more efficient use of resources, without compromising on the flexibility of the tools used.

The other reason why was adopted by AllForWeb is for its integrated components’ management system: components are built once by developers or designers, saved in the agencie’s private design system in the tool, and can be reused on any projects - no dependency to a theme anymore. The more the agency uses the tool, the more efficient it becomes as it can reuse components from different projects and save precious development time.

Finally, AllForWeb being a “conversion first” agency, it had to pay extra attention to the quality of the deliverable and the web-performance in particular. With WordPress, Allforweb was spending a lot of time optimizing websites to achieve high performances on Google Lighthouse. With, the web-performance comes out-of-the-box as all the files generated are automatically pre-rendered and the images size are optimized. AllForWeb can either choose to push to production in one-click using's integrated connexion with Amazon's CDN CloudFront, or they can download the built files and host them on a separate infrastructure for their clients.

This extra time saved on performances is passed on to the end client, either by spending more time on the UX or by billing at a more competitive price.

Outcome & results

Gain in productivity: Up to 50% time saved to ship a website 💰

Gain in performance: Improvement in average site performance on Google Lighthouse: up by 60% (from 50/100 to 80/100 on average) ⚡️

Other achievements: Better allocation of the resources -> margins are preserved 👍 Enhanced collaboration between designers & developers 🤗

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